Tag: #mbc
Customer service lessons from the latest travel meltdown
Starting 7/19/24 and continuing through at least 7/25/24, there has been a major disruption in the airline industry as the result of a software update gone bad [1]. There are many lessons that will be (re-)learnt from this on the software engineering side, with some airlines recovering quickly and others struggling to get back to…
Book Review: Buy Back Your Time
One of the main reasons to break your dependency on your paycheck is to stop trading your time for money and instead focus on the things that are most important to you and bring the most value to you, your family, and, more broadly, the world in general.
Deep dive on our values: Community
MBC Real Estate Investing is built on 4 core values: abundance, freedom, community, and reliability [1]. I want to go a little deeper into what these values mean to us, so that you have a better idea of whether or not our views align with yours. I believe that understand someone’s values is important to…
Deep dive on our values: Abundance
MBC Real Estate Investing is built on 4 core values: abundance, freedom, community, and reliability [1]. I want to go a little deeper into what these values mean to us, so that you have a better idea of whether or not our views align with yours. I believe that understand someone’s values is important to…
How do you know who to take advice from?
A question I got recently from another syndicator is “Who do you go to for unbiased retirement investing advice?”
Book Review – 10x is easier than 2x
Grant Cardone made thinking 10x bigger popular with his book “The 10x Rule” [1] back in 2011. However, he focused on the mindset that you need to reach these seemingly impossible goals. Building on this idea, and providing some additional insight into how to actually make this work, Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy published “10x…
What is a cost segregation and why should I care if I am not a real estate professional?
If you hang around commercial real estate investors for any length of time, you will hear the term “cost segregation” come up.
Appreciation vs cash flow investing philosophies
There are at least two major investment philosophies. The first is to invest for appreciation the other is to invest for cash flow.
How I think about, and manage, risk in real estate investing
If you have been paying attention to the economy lately, you know there is a lot going on.
What do you mean, “my home is not an asset”?
If you have ever read the classic Rich Dad, Poor Dad [1] you have seen Robert Kiyosaki assert that your home is not an asset but rather a liability (note: if you haven’t read this book, you should, it is a classic and helps establish the mindset required to become financially independent). This is one…
What does “active investing” in real estate mean?
When people think about real estate investing, what they typically think about is active investing. In active investing you do the work to make the investment succeed. And if you don’t do the work, your investment will likely not be successful. This is what a sponsor does, but you don’t have to be leading a…
Thoughts on the latest bank failures
It has been a really interesting week on the financial front, so I wanted to take a break from my normal focus on syndications and talk about what has happened so far, what seems to be happening in the short term, and some possible long term implications. While this isn’t specifically focused on real estate…
Definition: What is an accredited investor?
An accredited investor is the term used by the SEC to refer to investors who are “financially sophisticated”. Accredited investors are able to invest in a wide variety of opportunities that normal investors are not – some of which (such as capital raises for tech startups) are much riskier than the investment options that are…
When should you use an IRA or other retirement accounts to invest in syndications
Standard disclaimer: I am not an accountant or financial advisor, and am not providing tax or financial advice, this article reflects my understanding of the rules as they currently exist and is not a recommendation on what you should do. I always recommend talking to your tax and financial advisors before making any financial decisions.
My advice for new investors
One of the questions I usually get when talking to someone who is looking at real estate investing for the first time is, “Where do I start?” Sometimes the question comes out as directly as that, sometimes the conversation dances around the topic for a while.
What I look for in a potential sponsor
I would argue the single most important decision you make about investing in syndications is not which deal to invest in, but which sponsors do you invest with. Obviously the deal itself is important – the numbers need to make sense and it needs to fit within your overall investment philosophy – however many investors…
Where to put your investing dollars: REI vs the stock market – High level (1/2)
These days, an investor looking for a fully passive return has a lot of options. One of the most common approaches is to put money into an index fund and let it grow. Then, when you need a stream of income, you can start drawing down the funds with the 4% rule giving you guidelines…
Who should consider investing in a syndication (An Introduction to Syndications Article 2/3)
I believe syndications are an amazing investment opportunity for a large number of people – including many people who don’t even know they exist. But there are some drawbacks that you need to be aware of as well and so they aren’t the right option for everyone. As with any investment you make, it is…