Educational Resources

Book Recommendations

General InterestBuilding a Business Storage FacilitiesLP Deep Dive

Rich Dad, Poor Dad
The classic outlining how the rich and poor view money differently. 

The Go-Giver 
How to build a business through doing good in the world.  

Storing Up Profits
An introduction to the world of self storage facility ownership.  

The Hands-Off Investor
Everything an LP needs to know.

Getting Things Done
A process for making you more efficient and focused. 

Magnetic Capital
How to raise money for business ventures ethically and responsibly.

Growing Wealth In Self Storage
A fairly detailed look at the hands on work required to run a self storage facility. 

The Lifestyle Investor
Ten rules for generating passive income and living life by design. 

Event Recommendations

Create Your Future  An amazing event that helps you get clarity about what you want and design an intentional life that helps you meet your goals. I highly recommend this for everyone.How to Win Funds When done right, sales is never, ever, ever about you and what you need, it is always about solving your customer’s problems.  Learn how to do this effectively in this seminar. SSI Live  AJ Osborne puts on an outstanding event focused on self storage. It is small enough to actually get to know people, and almost everyone there is worth getting to know. Secrets of Successful Syndication  A two day event that gives you all the details of what goes into a syndication. Good for both GPs and LPs who want to understand what should be happening in their deals. 

Podcast Recommendations 

The Real Estate Guys  Focus on syndications and general real estate. 

Drunk Real Estate
Broad range of macro economics and real estate information. 

The Real Estate Espresso
A short, timely, look at what’s happening in real estate and the economy in general 

Tax Tuesday
All things tax related.